

HORY A MESTO 2019 - My Way PARTNER festivalu !



HORY A MESTO 2019 – My Way PARTNER festivalu !

Je nám potešením a poctou byť partnerom 20. ročníka filmového festivalu HORY A MESTO

Jedným z atraktívnych hostí festivalu v sekcii VODA bude jachtárka LAURA DEKKER, ktorá predstaví dokumentárny film o plavbe okolo sveta, ktorú absolvovala ako 16 ročná ! ( Maidentrip).
Film bude premietaný vo štvrtok 28/3 v Cinemax Bory o 20.00 h. Vstupenky sú k dispozícii online na, alebo v pokladniach Cinemax v Bory Mall.
Srdečne Vás pozývame !

Holandská jachtárka narodená na Novom Zélande v roku 1995 počas 7 rokov trvajúcej plavby jej rodičov ( mama je nemka, otec dán ). Laura prvých 5 rokov života strávila na mori. Po návrate do Holandska žila s otcom. Svoju prvú plachetnicu Optimist dostala k 6tim narodeninám a veľmi rýchlo sa naučila sólo plavbe. Na 8me narodeniny dostala knihu Maiden Voyage o plavbe okolo sveta jachtárky Tania Aebi . V roku 2007 podnikla sama ambiciózny 6 týždňový výlet na Wadden Sea v spoločnosti svojho psa. Leto 2008 strávila na plavne okolo Holandska na svojej novej plachetnici Hurley 700, ktorú si kúpila s pomocou pôžičky od otca.

V roku 2009 sa rozhodla počas12 denných školských prázdin podniknúť sólo výlet do Anglicka a preplaviť obávaný English Channel.Vyplávala 1. mája. Pre slabý vietor musela pristáť v anglickom Lowestoft, kde ju zadržali a požadovali jej otca , aby ju doprevádzal na plavbe domov. On však odpovedal, že sa vie vrátiť aj sama. Úrady teda mladú holanďanku umiestnili do detského domova :), kam po ňu priletel z Holandska otec a odviezol ju naspať na loď. 11. mája vyplávala z Anglicka. Laura sa v silnom vetre pomerne rýchlo vrátila do Holandska a 12 mája pristála v Rotterdame.

V roku 2019 ( 14 r.) zverejnila úmysel oboplávať zemeguľu novinárom. Na tento účasl si zadovážila 12 metrovú 2 sťažňovú plachetnicu Jeanneau Ginn Fizz ( Guppy ). Loď bola vybavená na long distance sailing a upravená na sólo navigáciu. Jej úmysel vyplávať spriečili v roku 2019 holandské úrady. Plavbu začala v auguste 2010 , spoločne s otcom preplavili loď z Holandska do Portugalska a sólo plavbu začala tajne z Gibraltaru ( britské urady by štart nepovolili kvoli veku) .
Hoci sa predpokladalo, že nebude na mori viac než 3 týždne non stop bez zastávky, nakoniec sa vyhla niektorým bodom dohodnutým na pristátie a plavila sa na niektorýych úsekoch aj 2 x po 7 týždňov nez pristátia. Jej rodina ju navštívila počas plavby 2 krát. Kedže mala namontovaný Iridiou tracking system, bolo možne ju sledovať jej plavbu. Laura písala týždenné reporty z plavby pre holandské noviny. Svoju 528 dní trvajúcu plavbu absolvovala na úspečne dokončila. V dobe vyplávania mala iba 16 rokov, čím sa zapíslal do dejín jachtingu ako najmladšia jachtárka vôbec. V roku 2013 bol zverejnený 80 min. film z plavby, ktorý nasnímala z najvačšej časti sama, Film režíroval Jillian Schlesinger a jeho názov je MAIDENTRIP.

Tu je podrobný opis trasy jej plavby:

2010–2012 Solo circumnavigation progress:

  • Departed Gibraltar on 21 August 2010.

  • Arrived at Lanzarote on 25 August.

  • Stayed in the Canary Islands for several weeks because of the Atlantic hurricane season.

  • Departed Gran Canaria on 10 November for Cape Verde.

  • Commenced Atlantic crossing from Cape Verde to Sint Maarten – a distance of 2,200 nautical miles (4,100 km; 2,500 mi)—on 2 December; finished when she reached Simpson Bay Lagoon on 19 December; having encountered calm weather on this leg of her journey, used the engine for two days in order to arrive on time.

  • Served as crew member for ten days on the tall ship Stad Amsterdam, departing from St. Maarten on 5 January 2011.

  • Departed Sint Maarten on 20 January; visited the islands of Îles des Saintes</>, Dominica, Bonaire and San Blas Islands, all located in the Caribbean.

  • Flew home on 27 February; stayed to 10 March to speak at a boat show and other places, now a figure of considerable media attention in the Netherlands.

  • Completed the passage of the Panama Canal on 11 April 2011; visited Pearl Islands thereafter.

  • Crossed the Equator on the evening of 25 April; reached the Galápagos Islands the following day.

  • Departed the Galápagos Islands on 7 May and arrived at Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands on 25 May, having sailed about 2,960 nautical miles (5,480 km; 3,410 mi) in 18 days, the longest leg so far; encountered open sea only, with no islands near the route.

  • Sailed from Marquesas Islands to Tahiti between 1 and 8 June, a journey of 770 nautical miles (1,430 km; 890 mi); demanding leg of the journey with shifting winds, many reefs, ships, and little sleep.

  • Visited Moorea and Bora Bora, and then sailed the 1,400 nautical miles (2,600 km; 1,600 mi) journey to Vava’u, Tonga in 12 days, where she arrived 8 July.

  • Arrived 17 July 2011 at Suva, Fiji, having sailed for four days, and on 30 July at Port Vila, Vanuatu after having sailed for three days.

  • Sailed from Vanuatu on 8 August, heading for Darwin, Australia; arrived in Darwin on 25 August after one of the toughest legs of her journey, which included passage through Torres Strait, filled with reefs, islands and large ships; father visited her in Darwin, their first meeting since she had visited the Netherlands in March 2011; together, undertook a major overhaul of the boat; celebrated Dekker’s 16th birthday.

  • Departed Darwin on 25 September, heading west; published information about this leg of her journey in her blog following about two weeks delay, because of security concerns regarding Indian Ocean pirates.

  • Sailed to Durban, South Africa, arriving 12 November, after 47 days at sea non-stop; reported wind varying from dead calm to hard wind that often shifted direction; sometimes encountered rough waves (distance Darwin–Durban is 5,540 nautical miles (10,260 km; 6,380 mi)).

  • Arrived at Port Elizabeth, South Africa, on 18 November.

  • Passed Cape Agulhas, South Africa, on 26 November, southernmost point on the African continent, and southernmost point of her journey; sailed thereafter a northerly course for the first time on her journey from the Netherlands.

  • Passed the Cape of Good Hope on 27 November in rough weather; reached Cape Town the same day; father and journalists and the boats of the Volvo Ocean Race met her there.

  • Sailed from Cape Town on 12 December, heading northwest.

  • Reached the longitude of her unofficial starting point in the Netherlands on 20 December; had already crossed all longitudes in the course of her circumnavigation; faced another 4,800 nautical miles (8,900 km; 5,500 mi) for her official completion.

  • Arrived in Simpson Bay on Sint Maarten on 21 January 2012 at approximately 3 pm local time after a non-stop journey of 5,600 nautical miles (10,400 km; 6,400 mi) from Cape Town, thus completing her full circumnavigation of the world, at the age of 16 years, 123 days.

  • The trip took 518 days or 74 weeks or 1 year, 5 months.

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